Saturday, December 29, 2007


Yes you heard me right. Result day which was dreaded by many finally took place yesterday. In spite of all the much talk about hype and build up to the actual day, it turned out to be a pretty much mild affair.

Not that I'm complaining.

Nope definitely not.

So, the day started off with me being emo while going through my breakfast. Finally changed into my school attire minus the badge and the tie though. Walked out to wait for the bus to school. Plugged in my earphones and selected shelter by Corrinne May, which is a rather slow song which suited the way I was feeling at the time.




Okay so maybe I wasn't feeling that emo and worried but neither was I clam. Finally reached the school. Met Amirul at the front gate. He was with his dad. (didn't know I was looking straight at a state top student gosh)

And so met up with friends some not seen for some time some seen everyday. Eagerly awaited the results to come through the front gate and into the hall where all the tables and chairs were awaiting the teachers to make use of them.


Still no sight of any papers. The sound of heartbeats ever clearer, the sight of sweat on the ground, the smell of the already polluted air didn't make things better.


The wait continues. The sound of parents and students chatting grew louder as if to say they weren't worried anymore. Ivan was probably the most emo of all with Jethro being the least or not emo not worried not bothered whatsoever in typical Jethro fashion. Ivan's shirt was already sticking to his back with the sweat looking like glue.


CRAP. The results still were not in sight. News came in that convent got their results. Joey got straight A's, Xinyi got straight A's(that's all I know of) , and convent got 94 in total. Friends and relatives started to call but I merely clicked on the busy button and ignored. My heart was practically going to jump out. This was certainly no time to be answering calls.


First sight of the result envelope. Bestari's class teacher though. Cendekia's students waited on again. In no time, all class teachers were found in the hall. All students queuing at their respective lines. Then an announcement was made. "Could teachers of classes A,B,C and D come up onto the stage?". I thought to myself (damn they're going to call one by one onto the stage to collect our results) And it turned out to be true.


Pengetua was the one handing out our result slip and also hugs. Yes you're not having eyesight problems. HUGS. Pira was already like "Must hug ah??" I didn't care as long as my name was called. They started off with the 8A's, starting with the B class, then the C class then the A class.


Finally they were calling the 7A's. Sean and co were already up on stage celebrating their success with Nash being the liveliest pumping his fists and showing peace signs to all. Me on the other hand looked from below still uncertain of what was to come. Then finally, B. Jayaseelan, Ivan Looi Jia Jun, and then Jonathan Si E Chen, gosh I was GLAD, RELIEVED, THANKFUL, GRATEFUL, SHOCKED, PLEASED, and GLAD all over again.

EC had 61 straight A's in total. Rather low compared to SSI's 96, Convent's 94, Sigs's 66 and not forgetting STF's (forgot but should be hundred plus WTH LA)

And so it was joy all round,

Cheers and jubilation,

Tears and comforting ( Ivan we are humans after all ),

Parents congratulating,

Students thanking teachers,

Students thinking of what to ask from parents,

Students leaving in a hurry,

Students not wanting to leave,

And so on. Here's to all the straight A students,






-to the glory, sadness and euphoria experienced-

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