Sunday, June 15, 2008

day 3 - the end

Got up again around 5plus. Bathed and got into our p.e attires. Went down for another round of rehearsals. Had breakfast and then the real march past. Went relatively fine. A litlle mistake was made during the turn but the rest went smoothly.

The announcing of winners came soon after. We only won the best camp site category. The best camper went to some police dude, the best marchers were PKDM(D) but definitely worth debating about, they won for the best performance whis was rightfully theirs. The biggest shock was that PKBM(L) won for best overall unit. WTH. What did they do? Ah heck

Took down the tents and took photos.

all in all, we had fun, we laughed, we did not get all that we wanted but memories like these will last and it definitely enough for me.

Thanks for the memories guys.

- to the form 2, 3, and all my form 4 friends that made this worth the while -

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