Friday, February 29, 2008

a friday that began like a saturday

form waking up at 7, the feel of the not so early morning, the taste of a heavier breakfast, the sight of more people walking about, the sight of people even at all, the whole morning seemed like a saturday.

not that I'm complaining. Why would I? Its great being able to wake up later.

the day began rather fine. No important stuff to talk about, that is until around noon as we were left scratching our heads in worry that no bus would come yet again. But alas never fear the "reliable" perling transport system as we all know saved the day. Triton it was.

Training was okay, was even paid a visit by a certain someone. Got a lift from him to tuition, was late for class again, met the certain someone again this time at plaza pelangi with a group of friends. Nicole chose not to join her bro and so we took a cab as we always do on fridays back to school awaiting out school bus. now that's one bus that never comes late.

something bothers me though.


I definitely do

Problem not quite solved though.

p/s to convent tmr!!

- to the emotions behind it all-

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